ESG funds see high inflows during Covid

AJ Gonzalez | January 7, 2021


Climate-related risks are the top sustainability portfolio concern for 88% of respondents, as per the survey, which gathered insights from 425 investors in 27 countries.

The coronavirus crisis has come as a blessing in disguise for sustainable investing. The pandemic has accelerated global investors’ focus towards the environmental, social and governance (ESG) theme. Latest preliminary data published by global fund-flow tracker EPFR showed that equity funds with socially responsible investing (SRI)/ESG mandates have seen record inflows of $168.74 billion in 2020, in comparison to $63.34 billion in 2019.

Analysts say discussions on ill-effects of climate change have sharply gained in importance worldwide, making ‘conscious investing’ a key theme of 2021. A survey by consulting firm BlackRock in December showed that investors representing $25 trillion in assets plan to double their ESG assets in the next five years.

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